2001 Pine Bluff Gathering Page 3

2001 Pine Bluff Gathering Page 3

Terry Chizak from Kansas also made the Gathering. He's building a KR2S to go along with this KR2.

This shot is for all those folks who say there's plenty of room in the KR2 and KR2S (they're the same width)!

Troy Petteway and son Graheme showed up from Columbia Tennessee. He's just installed a C-85 in his KR2...

...just in time to watch Dean finish up his mag timing.

Troy did some formation flying too, and Richard couldn't resist this time around either.

See ya later!

Ken Thomas from Jasper Alabama put in a brief appearance. This is all I got to see of his plane, for two years in a row!

Bob Lester's Subaru engine with redrive won "Best Engine". He's now installing a Corvair!

Nice access plate.

Time for another air-to-air run in Larry's Tripacer.

Gene Knight's KR2S.

I hope my plane is finished before he shows up with this thing at a Gathering, because the crowd will be around this one! If he builds airplanes anything like his wooden models, it'll be something to behold!

Rich Siefert's interior.

Rich, Dave Mullins, and Kerry Miller.

Jack Cooper had a good time.

Interesting oil streaks. I can't wait to have oil streaks of my own!

Steve Bennett prepares for takeoff.

Rich Siefert's going for it too.

Terry took me for a ride in his KR2, and here we are turning final.

Terry Chizak's canopy safety latch might look familiar if you've ever stayed in a hotel before!

And here's his simple vent.

Rich explains just a few of the MANY details that all of you "no-shows" missed!

There's a keg hiding over in the corner.

The KR Banquet was interesting, and Richard Shirley didn't win a thing other than splitting "longest distance flown" with Rich Siefert. This picture is fuzzy, but what do you expect for a half second hand-held exposure in the dark?

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